Join the movement. I'm committed to promoting rational, effective public policy, not enriching the privileged or their cronies.
About Me

- mike mulligan
- United States
- LEADERSHIP.Former Chairman,Board of Directors of N.J. Lawyer,The Weekly Newspaper-Former Trustee, NJSBA Board of Trustees-Former Member, NJ Supreme Court District 3 Fee Arbitration Committee -Excellence Award Recipient, N.J. Council of Community Colleges-Former President, Salem County Bar Association -Former Board President, American Red Cross of Salem County-Former Board President, YMCA of Salem County-Former Woodstown Basketball & Little League Coach. -Professional Activities. -Attorney at Law, Practicing 23 years in Salem County-Former Solicitor, Pilesgrove Township-Present Salem County Counsel, County of Salem-Former Municipal Prosecutor, Carneys Pt. and Pittsgrove Townships-Former Arbitrator, Superior Court of New Jersey.Family -Oldest son of Jim and Katherine Mulligan, Retired Salem Co. School Teachers-Married to Dana Lynn Mulligan, nee Densevich,of Vineland, N.J.-Son, Francis A. Mulligan, attends Woodstown H.S. -Lifetime Salem County resident -Education.Penns Grove H.S., 1978; Salem Community College,1980; -University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1982-Rutgers School of Law-Camden,1986. Memberships: Knights of Columbus,N.R.A.,PG Rotary Club.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge
Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge: "Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." - Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446.
Friday, September 7, 2012
The Carmel Pine Cone's first story of the week
The Carmel Pine Cone's first story of the week: “President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” Eastwood told The Pine Cone this week. “Romney and Ryan would do a much better job running the country, and that’s what everybody needs to know. I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.”
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Time as an asset, not just fact
"An actor chooses means from his environment, in accordance with his ideas, to arrive at an expected end, completely attainable only at some point in the future. All action aims at rendering conditions at some time in the future more satisfactory for the actor than they would have been without the intervention of the action. Time is a means that man must use to arrive at his ends. It is a means that is omnipresent in all human action."
--Murray N. Rothbard. Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market
--Murray N. Rothbard. Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market
Friday, August 10, 2012
Gay Marriage: Killing the Democracy of the Dead | Crisis Magazine
Gay Marriage: Killing the Democracy of the Dead | Crisis Magazine: In his book, Orthodoxy, Chesterton wrote: “Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about. All democrats object to men being disqualified by the accident of their birth; tradition objects to their being disqualified by the accident of death. Democracy tells us not to neglect a good man’s opinion, even if he is our groom; tradition tells us not to neglect a good man’s opinion, even if he is our father.” Paul Kengor
Monday, July 9, 2012
France's bonds sell for negative interest rate; Socialist President Hollande exacerbates circumstance by giving organized Labor an institutional role in creation of legislation.
"Hollande said he wants the constitution to require politicians to consult with unions before making any major labor decisions. "No law from the domain of economic and social life will be able to be voted by the Parliament without a phase of dialogue and consultation prior to it," he said.
In Monday's bond sale, the treasury sold three-month bonds at -0.005 percent, and six-month bonds at -0.006 percent. The treasury agency says it's the first time they have registered negative yields." Assoc. Press Website, today.
This is just the action Sen. Steve Sweeney took when he joined the Senate in New Jersey. He shepherded through legislation to have unions at the table during the planning phase for all govenment construction projects.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Mother Church and the Nanny State | Crisis Magazine
Mother Church and the Nanny State | Crisis Magazine: "The new style of the federal government, in speech after speech, to replace freedom of religion with freedom of worship is not innocent of calculation, for while permitting ritual acts of devotion within the walls of a building, it would limit the right to express religious beliefs in public discourse. In Orwellian semantics, soon enough even the commandment to love the sinner but hate the sin becomes “hate speech.” There are some religions, like some governments, that are intrinsically hostile to freedom of religion." Rev. George Rutler.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Ms. Taniguchi,
I'm a lawyer here in N.J. and I am degreed in Political Science from the Univ. of N.C. at Chapel Hill. I've been looking at the stuff Mr. Brown and others have been preaching for many years.
Your article fails to detail the recent evidence that most of the Doomsday conclusions from Climate Science are nothing but junk. Take a look at Mr. Delingpole's works ( http://jamesdelingpole.com/ ) and Creighton's "State of Fear". Delingpole notes the evidence from this new Century's data shows the Earth's temperature cooling. Note the recent "rebellion" of the N.A.S.A. scientists. Isn't total glacier coverage on Earth increasing? Why didn't you challenge Mr. Brown concerning such matters.
"Climatgate", showed purposeful, pervasive climate science academic dishonesty at work.
Bottom Line: Reason dictates that "Going Green" or preaching "Sustainability" are best described as either political agenda or a Druid-like, Mother Earth centered quasi-religion. As political or quasi-religious agendas the goal of proponents is systematic control of human populations.
Just because Mr. Brown is a S.J. native son he shouldn't be given an assist by you in pulling the wool over our eyes.
mike mulligan, esq.
pilesgrove, n.j.
I'm a lawyer here in N.J. and I am degreed in Political Science from the Univ. of N.C. at Chapel Hill. I've been looking at the stuff Mr. Brown and others have been preaching for many years.
Your article fails to detail the recent evidence that most of the Doomsday conclusions from Climate Science are nothing but junk. Take a look at Mr. Delingpole's works ( http://jamesdelingpole.com/ ) and Creighton's "State of Fear". Delingpole notes the evidence from this new Century's data shows the Earth's temperature cooling. Note the recent "rebellion" of the N.A.S.A. scientists. Isn't total glacier coverage on Earth increasing? Why didn't you challenge Mr. Brown concerning such matters.
"Climatgate", showed purposeful, pervasive climate science academic dishonesty at work.
Bottom Line: Reason dictates that "Going Green" or preaching "Sustainability" are best described as either political agenda or a Druid-like, Mother Earth centered quasi-religion. As political or quasi-religious agendas the goal of proponents is systematic control of human populations.
Just because Mr. Brown is a S.J. native son he shouldn't be given an assist by you in pulling the wool over our eyes.
mike mulligan, esq.
pilesgrove, n.j.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Evolution, Human Dignity, and Crafting Public Policy | Crisis Magazine
Evolution, Human Dignity, and Crafting Public Policy | Crisis Magazine: "In secular discourse, the concept of morality can be no more fixed than a wax nose that can be manipulated and shaped by the one defining it. While one might not like the answer “thus saith the Lord,” it is hard to think that it is any less compelling than “because I say so.” Blackburn.
Evolution, Human Dignity, and Crafting Public Policy | Crisis Magazine
Evolution, Human Dignity, and Crafting Public Policy | Crisis Magazine: “A man who has no assured and ever present belief in the existence of a personal God or of a future existence with retribution and reward, can have for his rule of life, as far as I can see, only to follow those impulses and instincts which are the strongest or which seem to him the best ones.” —Charles Darwin
Quoted by W. Charles Blackburn.
Quoted by W. Charles Blackburn.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Personally Opposed, But…Some Important Distinctions | Crisis Magazine
Personally Opposed, But…Some Important Distinctions | Crisis Magazine: "Morality has to do with right and wrong – determinations that cannot, and should not, be made by popular consensus." Howard Kainz
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Lawless Christians | Crisis Magazine
We consider that a person is justified by faith apart from works of the law.
–Rom. 3:28
We have believed in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.
–Gal. 2:16.
"Works of the law", as a phrase connotes that the good person on his own, without having faith in the resurrection attains little.
–Rom. 3:28
We have believed in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.
–Gal. 2:16.
"Works of the law", as a phrase connotes that the good person on his own, without having faith in the resurrection attains little.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Juan Cole and Ivory Tower Anti-Catholicism
Juan Cole and Ivory Tower Anti-Catholicism: Santorum's ingenuity, as is the same with much Conservativism in America, is based upon there being a pervasive Madisonian "tyranny of majority" risk in so many aspects of life in America. He's all about there being no "consent of governed" in many areas of this life. PC notion runs rampant in such politized areas of science as environmental, cosmology and the social sciences including political science.
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Sunday, April 8, 2012
Israel's P.M.'s scary and no doubt accurate assessment of Middle East politics
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is quick to disabuse anyone who believes that the uprisings could also have positive consequences. The Arab rebellion is developing into an "Islamic, anti-western, anti-liberal, anti-Israeli, undemocratic wave," the premier said in November. According to Netanyahu, the Arab world is "moving not forward, but backward," and anyone who believes Arabs and democracy are compatible is naïve." Spiegel Online post.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Authority and Its Discontents
I wish I would hear an American Catholic priest preach 2d Thessalonians once. If memory serves: "If you will eat you must work." That's the "social justice" message that must be preached in America today. Bill Moyers' promo for his cable show touts that justice only comes when a society is free of economic inequality. He's manic.
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Authority and Its Discontents
“In the world you will have trouble, but be brave, for I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Mar 2 11:16am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Dennis Miller Dedicates Thursday Show To 'Fearless' Breitbart: http://t.co/QOntMVAp
Sent: Mar 2 11:16am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Dennis Miller Dedicates Thursday Show To 'Fearless' Breitbart: http://t.co/QOntMVAp
Thursday, March 1, 2012
State Aid for schools; Progressive income redistribution at its best
Eg., next year's school aid in Salem County: PG-CP, $21,027,688; Salem City, $16,167,738; $6,713,527 for Woodstown-Pilesgrove. Your taxes pay for the education of other town's kids!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
New Jersey State Aid Fairly Distributed Among Salem County Taxpayers?
If anyone supposes "one man, one vote" as principle rule of this Republic mandates an even-handed distribution of government financing, as compared to the some other method of allocation of New Jersey State Aid, compare the Municipal State Aid and Municipal School State Aid figures of two different towns here in pastoral Salem County. See attached. Scan 001.pdf
Know that the present scheme has been in place for decades now. No innovation with this Year's allocations.
Salem City's State Aid "take", money other people in New Jersey pay to and for the direct benefit only of Salem City people, is $17,563,677.00. Population: 5,146.00, according to 2010 Census. $3,413.07 per person.
Compare Woodstown & Pilesgrove's State Aid "take", $7,406,715. Population: 7,059, according to 2010 Census. $1,049.26 per person.
I do not have the benefit of the figures on the total State tax "take" from Salem City taxpayers or from Woodstown & Pilesgrove taxpayers. I suspect the State of New Jersey's tax revenue from Woodstown and Pilesgrove exceeds the revenue from Salem City taxpayers. I'm not talking the total paid from all ratable properties. The total taxpayer payments to the State of New Jersey are at issue, which is something quite different.
Is there consent among the governed here or Statewide to such an unjust allocation?
My impression is the scheme is the product of the old adage of the "squeaky wheel". Keep asking for the State to send money and it will. And who says this isn't a Christian and Communist friendly country? It's just application of the Christian (but compare please 2d Thessalonians; paraphrased as: If you want to eat you must work) and Communist principles of "to each according to their need, from each according to their ability".
I believe that when secular government mandates such an expensive scheme of income redistribution it cannot do it on the sly. The support of the governed must exist or tyranny occurs.
Finally, do not fail to note that this is the proposed distribution scheme of a Republican Govenor who has been accused by many on the Left of Draconian methods and lack of sympathy for the plight of the disadvantaged in society.
Michael M. Mulligan, Esq.,
Pilesgrove Township
Know that the present scheme has been in place for decades now. No innovation with this Year's allocations.
Salem City's State Aid "take", money other people in New Jersey pay to and for the direct benefit only of Salem City people, is $17,563,677.00. Population: 5,146.00, according to 2010 Census. $3,413.07 per person.
Compare Woodstown & Pilesgrove's State Aid "take", $7,406,715. Population: 7,059, according to 2010 Census. $1,049.26 per person.
I do not have the benefit of the figures on the total State tax "take" from Salem City taxpayers or from Woodstown & Pilesgrove taxpayers. I suspect the State of New Jersey's tax revenue from Woodstown and Pilesgrove exceeds the revenue from Salem City taxpayers. I'm not talking the total paid from all ratable properties. The total taxpayer payments to the State of New Jersey are at issue, which is something quite different.
Is there consent among the governed here or Statewide to such an unjust allocation?
My impression is the scheme is the product of the old adage of the "squeaky wheel". Keep asking for the State to send money and it will. And who says this isn't a Christian and Communist friendly country? It's just application of the Christian (but compare please 2d Thessalonians; paraphrased as: If you want to eat you must work) and Communist principles of "to each according to their need, from each according to their ability".
I believe that when secular government mandates such an expensive scheme of income redistribution it cannot do it on the sly. The support of the governed must exist or tyranny occurs.
Finally, do not fail to note that this is the proposed distribution scheme of a Republican Govenor who has been accused by many on the Left of Draconian methods and lack of sympathy for the plight of the disadvantaged in society.
Michael M. Mulligan, Esq.,
Pilesgrove Township
Friday, February 24, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Feb 24 10:55am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: World's Most Famous Atheist: Can't Be Sure God Does Not Exist: http://t.co/KVJsoQDk
Sent: Feb 24 10:55am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: World's Most Famous Atheist: Can't Be Sure God Does Not Exist: http://t.co/KVJsoQDk
State Municipal Aid to Salem County towns exceeds $16 Million.
A rough count confirms in excess of $16 Million in municipal aid to Salem County towns. Penns Grove's figure is not yet determined so the number probably exceeds $17 Million. Of that, $12.5 Million +/- goes to L.A.C. and Pennsville Townships. Surprising to me.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
From: Twitter
Sent: Feb 22 9:43am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Santorum: Climate Science 'Political Science': http://t.co/SWHImE5D
From: Twitter
Sent: Feb 22 9:43am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Santorum: Climate Science 'Political Science': http://t.co/SWHImE5D
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Fwd:From: TwitterSent: Feb 16 3:53pm
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Union Principal: Parents Don't Know What's Best For Children: http://t.co/nTULg0rd
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Union Principal: Parents Don't Know What's Best For Children: http://t.co/nTULg0rd
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Feb 11 10:45am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Shrum: Rush, Tea Party 'Can't Deal With Fact That Black Man Is President': http://t.co/P6XiPWS3
Sent: Feb 11 10:45am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Shrum: Rush, Tea Party 'Can't Deal With Fact That Black Man Is President': http://t.co/P6XiPWS3
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Feb 7 10:59am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Boxer: Republicans Are McCarthyites, Planned Parenthood Like YMCA: http://t.co/pcqzjR3G
Sent: Feb 7 10:59am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Boxer: Republicans Are McCarthyites, Planned Parenthood Like YMCA: http://t.co/pcqzjR3G
Monday, January 30, 2012
A Bluffing Game: European Politicians in Denial as Greece Unravels - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
A Bluffing Game: European Politicians in Denial as Greece Unravels - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International: The effort to rescue Greece is clearly moving in circles, and there is no evidence of any progress.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Merkel's Increasing Isolation: Germany at Odds with Partners over Euro Crisis - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Merkel's Increasing Isolation: Germany at Odds with Partners over Euro Crisis - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International: "Everyone has to work as much as the Germans," says Boyko Borizov, Bulgarian P.M.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Jan 20 9:53am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Obama Teases Mickey Mouse Over Big Ears: http://t.co/zmNaLngR
Sent: Jan 20 9:53am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Obama Teases Mickey Mouse Over Big Ears: http://t.co/zmNaLngR
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Jan 17 3:10am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Clyburn: Romney Reminiscent Of Racists Who Kept Rosa Parks In Back Of Bus: http://t.co/mPlh1HGe
Sent: Jan 17 3:10am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Clyburn: Romney Reminiscent Of Racists Who Kept Rosa Parks In Back Of Bus: http://t.co/mPlh1HGe
Monday, January 16, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Jan 16 2:20pm
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Political Pulpit: Obama's Top Adviser Uses MLK's Church To Bash GOP: http://t.co/GO8WQbfO
Sent: Jan 16 2:20pm
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Political Pulpit: Obama's Top Adviser Uses MLK's Church To Bash GOP: http://t.co/GO8WQbfO
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Jan 15 2:05am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: CBS News: 11 More Solyndras In Obama Energy Program: http://t.co/9nvLgdBs
Sent: Jan 15 2:05am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: CBS News: 11 More Solyndras In Obama Energy Program: http://t.co/9nvLgdBs
Friday, January 13, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Jan 13 5:33pm
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Oprah On Obama: 'Masterful Leader': http://t.co/ojXuLByt
Sent: Jan 13 5:33pm
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Oprah On Obama: 'Masterful Leader': http://t.co/ojXuLByt
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Jan 11 3:06am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: DeMint: Romney Will Win South Carolina: http://t.co/7i8AmUQc
Sent: Jan 11 3:06am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: DeMint: Romney Will Win South Carolina: http://t.co/7i8AmUQc
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Jan 10 1:50am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Huntsman Surge: Goat Endorses Utah Governor: http://t.co/4yR8Rkon
Sent: Jan 10 1:50am
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Huntsman Surge: Goat Endorses Utah Governor: http://t.co/4yR8Rkon
Friday, January 6, 2012
Fwd:From: Twitter
Sent: Jan 5 10:09pm
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Iowa Vote Count Typo? Santorum May Have Won: http://t.co/zNdhZ90l
Sent: Jan 5 10:09pm
Msg: @BreitbartVideo: Iowa Vote Count Typo? Santorum May Have Won: http://t.co/zNdhZ90l
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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